Gianni Buonomo Vintners nourishes the curiosity of the adventurous wine enthusiast.

On site we produce rare, under-appreciated varietals that are definitely not part of the American mainstream.

For those looking for a little more intrigue from their wine and excitement in their glass, stop in for a wine tasting or just sit back at this favorite San Diego winery and share a bottle with friends.

Urban Winery Leaving Ocean Beach

Urban Winery Leaving Ocean Beach | Click the link to visit this page

For nine years Gianni Buonomo Vintners has been producing world-class wines just steps from the Pacific. Skyrocketing rents has prompted them to move to a more economical locale.

Farewell Ocean Beach

Farewell Ocean Beach | Click the link to visit this page

It's bittersweet to say good bye to the community that got in on the ground floor to support us. Few gave us much chance to survive on the beer soaked Avenue called Newport. Thanks to you we not only survived, but we flourished.